Speak up! Overcoming the language barrier

by Anna Hruska
AdvantiPro intern

Living in a foreign country can be both exciting and challenging. While experiencing new food and culture can be an enjoyable part of living overseas, the language barrier can often cause frustration. Although it can be difficult, the best way to truly immerse your self in a foreign culture is to attempt to speak the language.

Learning some key phrases in German is not only useful, but respectful as well. Germans appreciate it when they see you are making an effort to communicate in their own language. Also, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Grammar and pronunciation do not need to be perfect in order for you to get your point across. Here are some German phrases that can help you begin to distance yourself from the words, “Sprechen Sie Englisch?”

How much does this cost? Wie viel kostet das?
What time is it? Wie spat ist es?
Where is the bathroom? Wo sind die Toiletten?
May I have the check please? Darf ich die Rechnung bitte?

Here are some helpful words that could come in handy when giving or asking for directions:

Left: Links
Right: Rechts
On the corner: Um die Ecke
Straight on: Geradeaus weiter

If you’re feeling brave, the following words and phrases can help you start a conversation.

Hi! How are you? Hallo! Wie geht’s?
My name is… Ich heisse…
What’s your name? Wie heissen Sie?
Where are you from? Woher kommen Sie?
I’m from… Ich komme aus…

If you want to learn more, the library and community centers on both Ramstein and Vogelweh provide free services to help you improve your German. You can sign up for a conversational German class at either the Ramstein or Vogelweh community centers. Call the Ramstein Community Center at 480-660 or 06731-47-6600 or the Vogelweh Community Center at 489-7626 or 0631-536-7626 to get information on class schedules.

Too busy to attend a class? All USAFE Libraries offer free access to the Rosetta Stone Online Language Learning Program. Simply go to www.usafelibraries.org to print out an application and turn it in to your USAFE Library to register and be put on the waiting list.

Since you’re only here for a short while, don’t pass up the opportunity to learn and practice your German when you’re out and about in the community. Not only will it make life easier, but it’s also a great way to show off to visiting friends and family.