2007 Force Shaping briefings to be held at Ramstein

Lt. Col. Julie Robel
435th Mission Support Squadron

The Air Force announced Wednesday its fiscal year 2007 Force Shaping
Program which has been developed to assist the Air Force in meeting
end-strength requirements and to properly shape the force. 

The program will maximize the use of voluntary separation authorities
and will implement involuntary shaping programs as needed.  The
program as a whole, or any part of the program, can close with little
or no notice based on the needs of the Air Force. 

Effective immediately, all voluntary force shaping programs for
officers in the 2002/2003 year groups are re-opened. Eligible
officers may apply in compliance with established procedures. 

The Air Force starts the 2007 Force Shaping Program with three tools to lower the number of active duty officers.  

These three initiatives are Voluntary Separation Pay (VSP), Selective
Early Retirement Board (SERB), and a fiscal 2007 Force Shaping Board
(FSB). The following is a list of dates, times and locations of
available briefings that will give details on the programs the Air
Force is implementing. Personnel are highly encouraged to attend. All
briefings will be at Ramstein.   

VSP briefings will be held today and Monday at the U.S. Air Forces in
Europe Conference Center, Rickenbacker Room at 2 p.m.; Tuesday at the
Hercules Theater at 7:30 a.m. and 3 p.m.; Wednesday at the USAFE
Conference Center, VTC Room 11:30 a.m.; and Thursday at the Hercules
Theater at 1:30 p.m.

SERB briefings will be held Monday  at the USAFE Conference
Center, Rickenbacker Room, at noon; and Wednesday at the USAFE
Conference Center, VTC Room 9:30 a.m. and 3 p.m.

FSB briefings will be held today at the USAFE Conference Center,
Rickenbacker Room at noon; Tuesday at the Hercules Theater at 9:30 and
11:30 a.m.; Wednesday at the USAFE Conference Center, VTC Room 7:30
a.m.; and Thursday at the Hercules Theater at 11:30 a.m.

The following is a brief description of the new programs:
Voluntary Separation Pay –  Officers with more than 6 and no more
than 12 years total service in overage career fields will be eligible
to apply for separation with pay (please see AFPC webpage listed below
for details). 

Applications will be accepted at the Ramstein MPF (Bldg. 2106
Separations Section).  Eligible officers may begin applying for
VSP on Monday.  Dates of separation must take effect between Oct.
1 2006 and Sept. 29, 2007.

Applications for VSP will not be accepted after Jan. 31, 2007. The
Air Force will pay two times the involuntary separation pay rate under
this incentive.

Selective Early Retirement Board –  The Air Force will consider,
by a board process in Jan. 2007, lieutenant colonels twice deferred and
colonels with at least 4 years Time In Grade for early retirement.

Force Shaping Board –  The Air Force will conduct a Force Shaping
Board in March 2007 and will consider lieutenants and captains in the
2004 year group for separation.

There were no significant changes made on the enlisted force
side.  They are continuing to restrict career job reservation and
will continue to shape the force through the NCO retraining

For additional information visit the AFPC Force Shaping Web page for
FAQs, the MPF Memorandum, and the Force Shaping Matrix at