The 569th U.S. Forces Police Squadron and 86th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron hosted a wet lab to raise DUI/DWI awareness at Ramstein Air Base, Nov. 15.
The wet lab consisted of volunteers who were provided alcohol under supervision to show the direct impact alcohol consumption has on various body compositions and the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol.
“The goal here was to drive home the importance of making good decisions, being responsible and understanding how important our relationship is here with our host nation,” said Master Sgt. Teve Molioo, 86th AMXS first sergeant.
The Kaiserslautern Military Community has recently seen an increase in alcohol-related incidents like DUI/DWI, including the operation of electric scooters while under the influence.
“We’re teaching to bring awareness to DUIs and basically show the public and other units why we conduct Standardized Field Sobriety Tests,” said Staff Sgt. Madison Alicea, 569th USFPS unit training instructor.
The 569th USFPS training instructors worked with 86th AMXS Airmen to go over SFST procedures and the proper handling of intoxicated subjects.
“We conducted three tests during our DUI (training),” Alicea said. “We did the horizontal gaze nystagmus test, or HGN, the walk-and-turn test and the one-legged stand. Basically we tried to obtain clues to see if that person was intoxicated.”

The HGN test is based on observation of involuntary jerking movements of the eyes as they follow horizontal motion. Airmen attending the training observed HGN and other sobriety test results, witnessing first-hand the effects varying levels of alcohol consumption have on coordination and thought processing.
“It’s awareness and it’s education on the effects and impacts alcohol has on their ability to operate a vehicle or ride a scooter, and, more importantly, how a bad decision could severely impact their safety and the safety of others,” Molioo said.
According to the 569th USFPS Training Section, other resources and things to remember when it comes to decreasing DUI/DWI incidents are:
- Have a plan before consuming alcohol.
- Have a designated driver in place.
- Utilize taxi cabs and have a taxi service number saved to a phone.
- Phone a friend, supervisor or co-worker.
- The Airmen Against Drunk Driving program is available as a safety net.
Remember that operating automatic scooters while under the influence of alcohol can also result in a DUI/DWI.
Units can also reach out to the 569th USFPS Training Section to inquire about coordinating a wet lab for DUI/DWI education and training at DSN 314-489-6311 or commercial 0631-536-6311.
“I think this training is for all Airmen,” Molioo said. “It’s not immune to our noncommissioned officers, senior NCOs or officers. I think it’s across the board, to include our civilians and our active duty dependents. Alcohol has an ability to adversely affect someone’s ability to make good decisions, so have a plan and make sure you have a Wingman out there who will help you make those tough decisions.”