An Airman from the 86th Force Support Squadron was selected as Airlifter of the Week for outstanding performance above and beyond her duties, which includes her position as an instructor at the Airman Leadership School on Kapaun Air Station.
Tech. Sgt. Sheng Morris, 86th FSS ALS instructor, helped create a speed-mentoring event where she was able to connect nine senior leaders with 22 Airmen across three wings.
“She’s an extremely humble individual,” said Master Sgt. Kendrick Burton, 86th FSS ALS commandant. “She works hard. She dives deep into everything she does with vigor and tenacity.”
ALS instructors facilitate the growth and transition for Airmen to become supervisors in a formal training environment.
Morris also supported youth in the Kaiserslautern Military Community and beyond by leading nine evaluators for military marching drills from Junior ROTC attachments around the world.
The cadets were only allowed to record their marching drill in one take, which added to the spirit of the competition. Next, they submitted their videos to judges for review. Morris explained it was a close competition in which dedication to practice and discipline were evident for participants eager to compete.

“It’s definitely breathtaking in the sense that I was super impressed with how well they executed their movements,” Morris said.
Measures taken to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 called for an adjustment across the KMC. Morris was instrumental when the base went to HPCON Charlie by shifting Ramstein ALS classes from an in-person to a virtual experience.
“I think there is still a lack of connectedness when you’re virtual, but trying to simulate that in the virtual environment can be tough,” Morris said. “Some of the advice I received from another facilitator is ‘Just be who you are.’ I try to be as positive as possible and let my personality shine through in the classroom.”
When she isn’t diligently improving the virtual ALS experience, Morris enjoys hiking, fixing cars and spending time with her husband, Alex, who continuously supports her in her career decisions.
“He definitely asks me questions that make me think for myself. And that’s kind of what I value the most,” Morris said.
Morris’ leadership describes her as someone who genuinely wants to help people without looking for recognition or accolades. Her dedication to the task at hand is a testament to her ability to innovate and lead.
“She brings all that she is — her whole person, to the job,” Burton said. “She doesn’t compromise her integrity. She doesn’t compromise who she is, but she’s serious about her craft.”