Avoid slips, falls on ice

86th Airlift Wing Safety
Photo by Astrid Gast / Shutterstock.com

To prevent slips, trips, and falls, clear walking surfaces of snow and ice and spread deicer as quickly as possible after a winter storm. In addition, the following precautions will help reduce the likelihood of injuries:

Wear proper footwear when walking on snow or ice is unavoidable because it is especially treacherous. A pair of insulated and water-resistant boots with good rubber treads is a must for walking during or after a winter storm. Keeping a pair of rubber over-shoes with good treads which fit over your street shoes is a good idea during the winter months.

Take short steps and walk at a slower pace so you can react quickly to a change in traction when walking on an icy or snow-covered walkway.

Avoid walking in the streets at all costs, if possible. Remember, cars and trucks slip and slide, too! If it’s an emergency, and you can’t avoid the street, wear bright or reflective clothing. Always walk on the right side of the street, facing oncoming traffic. Avoid outdoor stairs, driveways and other hilly terrain.  Stairs can be especially hard to clear and build up ice easily.

Remember, ice can easily hide under a light dusting of snow. Just because you don’t see the ice doesn’t mean it’s not there.

Be aware of overhead hazards! Falling icicles and chunks of snow pose a serious risk. In extreme cold weather, icicles can build up in size very quickly and are lethal. Their size and dagger-like formation are extremely dangerous for pedestrians. Be aware of what’s happening above you, and stay clear from the edges of buildings.