Colon cancer screenings offered in March

by Maj. Zahid Siddique
86th Medical Group health care integrator

During the month of March, the 86th Medical Group will promote colon cancer awareness and offer colon cancer screenings.

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer for both men and women. Beginning at age 50, men and women should begin routine colorectal cancer screening. 

Screening is important because in the early stages of colorectal cancer, there may be no symptoms.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports screening tests for colorectal cancers may actually prevent cancers from developing by treating pre-cancerous conditions.

Recommended screening tests and intervals are:
• High-sensitivity fecal occult blood test (FOBT), which checks for hidden blood in three consecutive stool samples, should be done every year.

• Flexible sigmoidoscopy, where physicians use a flexible, lighted tube (sigmoidoscope) to look at the interior walls of the rectum and part of the colon, should be done every five years.

• Colonoscopy, where physicians use a flexible, lighted tube (colonoscope) to look at the interior walls of the rectum and the entire colon, should be done every 10 years.

For any questions regarding colon cancer screening call the Disease Management Team on Ramstein at 06371-46-2568/2689/2022 or 479-2568/2689/2022.