Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force David A. Flosi answers a question from an Airman during an all call on Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Dec. 17, 2024. Flosi emphasized the Air Force’s commitment to its allies and partners and the future of the Air Force. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jason Jones, Jr.)
U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. Douglas Greene, 86th Mission Support Group senior enlisted leader, asks a question during an all call on Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Dec. 17, 2024. The all call gave Airmen the opportunity to ask questions and interact with Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David W. Allvin and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force David A. Flosi. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jason Jones, Jr.)
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David W. Allvin briefs at an all call on Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Dec. 17, 2024. Allvin answered questions during the all call about a variety of topics, including reoptimizing for Great Power Competition, updates to Air Force standards, and future manning changes. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jason Jones, Jr.)
U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Eddie Fore, 435th Contingency Response Support Squadron flight chief personnel recovery superintendent, briefs Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David W. Allvin and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force David A. Flosi at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Dec. 17, 2024. Airmen from the 435th CRSS showcased equipment that allows the unit to remain mission ready and to ensure they can proactively address any threat facing our partners swiftly and decisively. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Trevor Calvert)
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David W. Allvin thanks Airmen from the 435th Contingency Response Group after a tour at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Dec. 17, 2024. The 435th CRG demonstrated their ability to deter adversaries and defend U.S. personnel and our allies and partners. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Trevor Calvert)
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David W. Allvin and Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force David A. Flosi brief at an all call on Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Dec. 17, 2024. Allvin and Flosi spoke about the Air Force’s efforts to reoptimize for Great Power Competition and took questions from the audience. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jason Jones, Jr.)