Fasching 2008

***image1***Fasching is a pre-Lenten Carnival season when people get to loosen up and go a little crazy.

It is compared to the American Mardi Gras. Fasching is an annual festival used as a way of driving out the evil spirits of winter and encouraging the coming of spring and good crops. Various events were held this week, including Ramstein-
Miesenbach’s Fasching parade Feb. 5.

The Ramstein-Miesenbach parade is known as the biggest in the Westpfalz area.

(Clockwise from top left) Parade participants in their decorated float look for children to throw candy to; People dress up to celebrate Fasching in Ramstein village Feb. 5; Staff at Landstuhl Elementary and Middle School welcomed their new assistant principal, Steve Austin, by initiating him into the German tradition of “der Weiberfastnacht” (Women’s Carnival) Jan. 31.

***image2***In keeping with tradition, the women of the school play pranks on the men, including cutting off their ties; Young girls dance in the streets of Ramstein village to celebrate Fasching Feb. 5; A member of the U.S. Air Forces in Europe Band bangs his drum as he marches through the streets of Ramstein village during the Fasching celebration on Feb. 5.


