German police look for witnesses

The German Police are looking for help regarding a bank robbery in Spesbach at 10:35 a.m. May 3. The two bank robbers fled the scene on a motorcycle in white painters’ overalls and motorcycle helmets. One helmet was dark and the other one light with a waving pattern. The motorcycle was a Yamaha XJ900, 1986, black with red tank and the license plate number KIB-C 43. It was stolen a day prior in Homburg. The bank robbers passed several vehicles on their run through Spesbach toward A62 and on to A6 toward Saarbrücken. The police are looking for people who might have seen the two individuals or found the white overalls, helmets or license plates. For any information that might contribute to solve the case, call the criminal police in Kaiserslautern at 0631-369-2620.