Great American Smokeout
Commit to quit

***image1***Are you thinking about quitting tobacco?  Perhaps you are one of
the 70 percent of smokers who would like to quit. The Ramstein Health
and Wellness Center can help you use the Great American Smokeout
Thursday to make the commitment to quit. Even if you are not ready to
quit now, you can use this day to get prepared for the day when you
will quit for good.

You can start right now. Stop by the HAWC to pick up your “Commit To
Quit” kit.  Use this package of materials to help work through the
reasons why you smoke and the benefits of quitting. In addition, this
kit will help you make your final quit plan.

As part of your plan, you will want to quit smoking for one day on
Thursday, along with thousands of people all over the country.

Quitting for the day helps you raise awareness on your smoking
behaviors, triggers, and barriers. Use this day to study your smoking
habits and identify the resources needed to help you quit.

In addition to the Commit to Quit kit, the HAWC is prepared to help you
overcome your personal barriers to quitting tobacco and help you
capitalize on your strengths.

For more information about the Great American Smokeout and Commit to
Quit stop by the HAWC, building 2117-A, or call 480-4292 or
06371-47-4297.(Courtesy of the Ramstein Health and Wellness Center)