LRMC, German doctors foster good relations

Spc. Todd Goodman
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center

Physicians exchange ideas, compare vital
health techniques at medical conference

***image1***Landstuhl Regional Medical Center doctors met with the medical staff of numerous host nation hospitals May 5 to foster relations, discuss medical techniques and tour LRMC, which will lead to better care for wounded warriors and other patients.
The event, held at the Landstuhl Combined Club, featured a slide show presentation showing how the hospital has changed over the years as LRMC Commander Army Col. Rhonda Cornum narrated.
“I think relationships are important,” said Colonel Cornum. “It puts a face to a name and helps us recognize that our similarities are greater than our differences. We get the chance to tell them what we are doing and why we are doing it, rather than just filling out a form and sending a patient somewhere.”
The main purpose is to be able to refer patients who need specialized care that we cannot provide, said Lt. Col. Slobodan Jazarevic, chief of Vascular Surgery Services. “In order to do that we have to keep up some form of social interaction. Medicine is such a complex science that it transcends political barriers.”
“All doctors like to treat patients,” said Dr. S.H. Flüchter, professor of Urology at the Department of Urology Klinikum Winterberg in Saarbrücken. “I think it’s very important to have contact with the U.S. Army and their families and have the opportunity to help patients at LRMC.”
Most of the referral cases involve interventional cardiology, cardio thoracic surgery and neuro-surgery, said Colonel Cornum.
“Unlike in the States, we don’t have a managed care support contractor, so we have to manage our own network internally,” said Maj. Timothy Hoiden, chief of managed care at LRMC. “It’s our responsibility and that’s why we held the Preferred Provider Network reception.
This allows us to continue the relationship and gives the doctors an opportunity to talk about treatment, surgical techniques and standard of care issues.”
Major Hoiden said that LRMC refers out approximately 150 patients per month to the local provider network.
“We visit about 15 to 20 of our patients per day at host nation facilities — from severe trauma to birthing babies,” he said.
Building relationships make it possible.