Ramstein wins both AF original song categories

The secretary of the Air Force and chief of staff of the Air Force named July 2009 to July 2010 the Year of the Air Force Family. During this time, Myairforcelife.com held a contest where participants had to create an original song based on what living in the Air Force means to them and their family and friends.

Robert Samuels, spouse of Master Sgt. Olivia Samuels, 3rd Air Force, submitted the first entry and won the adult category for his song “Keep It In Step.” Mr. Samuels wanted to create a song about where Airmen live and work and what they experience in life.

Mr. Samuels was in the top three for his category and received 342 votes. He was chosen as the winner by award winning songwriter Thom Shepherd.

“‘Keep It In Step’ — killer production. Great recruiting song, (and would) be great for a commercial or recruiting video,” Mr. Shepherd said. “I love the last recitation verse.

This song makes me want to join the Air Force.”

Caylea Ingram, 14, daughter of Capt. Joey Ingram, 24th Intelligence Squadron, won the youth category for her song “This Life.” Caylea received 843 votes, which was the most number of votes in her category.

“When I create music, it’s really neat because I hear the music immediately,” said Caylea, who has been writing songs since she was 7.

Mr. Samuels and Caylea were both awarded with a $2,000 Music Friend gift certificate. In addition to the gift certificate, Mr. Samuels will also receive a one-hour mentoring session with Mr. Shepherd via Skype.

Mr. Samuels said he plans on using his prize to buy studio equipment.
“I want to be able to record more songs and my plan is to open my own studio, so I can record with churches,” he said.

Caylea plans on getting a new keyboard, microphone and sound board, which will help her create the tracks that she can’t create using her current system.

Both winners put in a lot of hard work and time into creating their songs and were very excited when they found out they had won.

“My family loved the song and were very supportive,” Mr. Samuels said.
Myairforcelife.com is designed to help military members stay connected, informed and engaged through the many programs they offer.

For more information about the Year of the Air Force Family, visit www.myairforcelife.com.

(Courtesy of 86th Services Squadron)