Rules of the traffic circle

***image1***Would it be possible to publish again the rules for the large traffic
circle? It is my impression many people who use the circle do not
appreciate that the inside lane has priority or will simply stay on the
outside lane all the way around for fear of the inside lane.  
Vehicles entering the traffic circle must yield to vehicles already in
the circle. To safely exit this traffic circle, we recommend the
following rules of thumb.

If you need to exit the circle at the first road to your right, then
use the outer lane of the circle. If you need to exit circle at the
second road to your right then use the outer lane of the circle. If you
need to exit the circle at the third road to your right or beyond then
use the inner circle lane. The inner circle lane can exit directly from
the circle; however, you must ensure you are clear to merge to the
right.  Always use your turn signal before changing lanes or
exiting the traffic circle.
The key to safe travel in a multi-lane traffic circle is to never pass
or drive side-by-side in the circle.  This rule allows traffic in
the inner lane to safely exit the circle. If the intersection backs up,
then take turns – zipper – between the two lanes.