Sembach German class visits German school

by Ryan Pretlow and Hayden Jordan
Courtesy photo
Students from Jeanette Street’s Sembach Middle School German I class (right side) visited students from Simone Franz’s English class (left side) March 6 at the Winnweiler Wilhelm-Erb-Gymnasium.

Ten seventh- and eighth-graders from Jeanette Street’s Sembach Middle School German I class visited the Winnweiler Wilhelm-Erb-Gymnasium March 6. They met up with their German partners from Simone Franz’s eighth-grade English class, who showed them around the school and went to all of their classes. The students have been writing to each other for many weeks, and the students from Winnweiler visited the Sembach Middle school a few weeks earlier. The American students were astonished by how advanced they were in some of their classes.

“I was astonished by what they were teaching them at these ages. They are only 14 and already learning about chemistry and physics,” said one of the American students who had visited that day.

Only one thing blocked the American students from having the best time of their lives: the language barrier.

“I would have been more engaged and tried to do things they were doing in class if I understood everything what they were saying,” said Ryan Pretlow, a student at Sembach Middle School.

What a motivation for continuing to learn German.