Suicide Prevention Month: Are you resilient enough?

How well are you able to recover from life’s misfortunes? Do you have the tools necessary to tackle life’s obstacles?

Your Ramstein helping agencies have joined forces this month in order to highlight the importance of equipping yourself with the proper mental, spiritual, social and physical “gear” you need to overcome any life challenges.

Suicide prevention must remain paramount to every Airman and our entire community at large. Suicide prevention begins with the individual. Individuals must take care of both themselves and their fellow Airmen by building healthy relationships with each other and providing support when “life happens.”

Isolation and the notion that “only the weak seek help” is a barrier to healthy living. It is a sign of courage and commitment to ask for help and face the challenges life has to offer.

Here are some ways to strengthen yourself and your fellow Airmen and overcome stress that could lead to suicidal thoughts:

• Think positively. You can do this by focusing on the positive aspects of life and by avoiding groups or relationships that are negative.

• Find activities to engage in daily that reduce stress, and don’t let stress accumulate.

• Don’t avoid your problems. Manage them up front.

• Adopt the belief that things can always get better.

• Get an adequate amount of sleep for physical and mental rejuvenation.

• Learn about nutrition, including foods that can positively affect your energy, mood and mental status.

• Take some time to exercise each day to reduce stress and help alleviate anger and anxiety.

• Reduce the use of substances such as caffeine and tobacco as they can add to your stress level.

• Examine your core values and sense of purpose and commitment.

• Identify supportive individuals in your religious community who are available for counseling and guidance.

• Engage in fellowship, meditation or prayer.

• Take time each day to engage in religious activities and practice each day as it builds character.

• Surround yourself with supportive friends.

• Find a mentor to provide personal and professional guidance.

• Join a group that interests you.

• Stay connected to family and friends.

Even the most resilient of us can be overwhelmed with problems and life challenges. It is the responsibility of each Airman to be aware of the signs and symptoms of suicide. It is important for us to have the knowledge, courage and initiative to identify individuals who are overwhelmed and intervene.

• Threatening or talking about wanting to hurt or kill oneself.

• Looking for ways to kill oneself by seeking access to firearms, pills or other means.

• Talking or writing about death, dying or suicide.

• Feeling hopeless.

• Feeling rage or uncontrolled anger.

• Acting reckless or engaging in risky activities.

• Feeling trapped — like there’s no way out.

• Increasing alcohol or drug use.

• Withdrawing from friends, family and society.

• Feeling anxious and agitated.

• Being unable to sleep or sleeping all the time.

• Experiencing dramatic mood changes.

• Seeing no reason for living or having no sense of purpose in life.

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger or exhibits any of the above signs, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) or visit the nearest emergency room.

Listed below are the agencies and resources that can provide you with additional education and assist you and your fellow Airman in building your resiliency and preventing suicide.

Ramstein Health and Wellness Center (Phone: 480-4292)
Ramstein Chaplain Services (Phone: 480-6148)
Ramstein Mental Health (Phone: 479-2390)
Ramstein Airman & Family Readiness Center (Phone: 480-5100)

* National Sleep Foundation:
* USDA’s Choose My Plate (New Food Guide Pyramid):
* WebMd Vitamin and Supplement Center:
* Real Warriors Campaign:1-866-966-1020 or
* Wellness Resources for the Military Community
* Medal of Honor:
* Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health & Traumatic Brain Injury:
* Human Performance Resource Center:
* Military OneSource: 1-800-342-9647 or
* Military Pathways: 1-877-877-3647 or
* National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or
* Air Force Suicide Prevention Program Website –
* Signs of Suicide (SOS) Military Program:
* Military Crisis Line (Europe) DSN 118 (on-base) or 00800-1273-8255 (Note: If dialing from off-base, carrier restrictions may apply. If so, dial 0631-536-1110 for Ramstein Base operator for assistance)

(Courtesy of 86th Medical Operations Squadron)