SVC offers sexual assault assistance to family members

by Airman Larissa Greatwood
86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Beginning in late June, the special victims’ counsel started offering services to children, dependents and family members who are victims of sexual assault cases.

Implemented in January 2013, the special victims’ counsel is still fairly new and allows victims to have a lawyer. In the past, adults could only be represented, but now they cover a broader spectrum, enabling children and dependents to have this assistance.

“Children who are victims of a sexual crime will now have a special victims’ counsel available to them,” said Capt. Kelly Adams, Air Force Legal Operations Agency special victims’ counsel. “The child is the client, and as long as it is running through the military justice system, the office of special investigations has jurisdiction and ultimately a military service branch could prosecute. They have an entitlement to a special victims’ counsel if they elect to have one.”

Child and dependent sexual assault victims now have the option to have a special victims’ counsel representing them so long as the accused is a military member.

“As investigations come up, the victim or their family will be notified by the office of special investigations and family advocacy of their entitlement to elect a special victims’ counsel,” Adams said. “We’ve found that more and more people are electing to have one, because they’re seeing the benefits of having their own lawyer represent their voice throughout the process.”

Every victim is different as well as their needs. The special victims’ counsel tailors their assistance to each individual case, and they are specially trained to handle cases involving children.

“There is no cookie cutter answer to everything, but we’re here to help as much as we can,” Adams said. “Ultimately the child is the client, not the parent. It’s meeting the child’s legal needs, not anyone else’s. We work with the child as long as they are able to articulate what they want.”

The sexual assault response coordinator and special victims’ counsel work together to ensure victims are getting the care they need and are getting help through recovery.

“The sexual assault response coordinator and special victims’ counsel work closely together on cases — adult victim cases,” said Carmen Schott, 86th Airlift Wing sexual assault response coordinator. “We have a very strong partnership. There are many different resources, but we are a team. We come together to represent the voice of the victims and to improve safety in the military when it comes to sexual assault.”

To ask questions about the special victims’ counsel program and request a special victims’ counsel, call 06371-405-4782 or 478-4782.

To contact the sexual assault response coordinator on the main line, call 480-7272, the sexual assault response coordinator hotline at 06371-47-7272 or the sexual assault prevention and response on-call at 0172-821-4871.

To contact family advocacy for child and dependent cases, call 06371-46-2370 or 479-2370.