The Art of Scrapbooking Scrapbooking archives for future generations

Capt. Erin Dorrance
Kaiserslautern America


The best wedding planners will tell you that the most important expense
is a photographer. After all, photos are the only thing a couple has
after the event is over beside the rings and double set of toasters and
coffee makers.

Weddings and all events in life are best captured in photographs. Now the question arises − what do I do with all these photos? Thousands of people are turning to scrapbooking, a method for preserving a legacy of written history in the form of photographs, printed media and memorabilia in decorated albums. The multi-billion dollar industry has swept the world and created a new phenomenon.

Several military families have stumbled upon the wonders of scrapbooking since their lifestyles often include extensive travel,
official ceremonies and ever-changing landscapes we call “home.”  
Scrapbooking, like any craft, has no right or wrong way as it should be considered art. However, there are a few objectives “scrappers” should follow. First, all adhesives, paper and anything else touching the photographs should be non-acidic so that your photographs will last for several generations without deteriorating. Second, a person should be able to pick up your scrapbook and not have to ask any questions. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, most scrappers achieve this objective by journal-writing dates, places and actions occurring in the photos. After all, if these scrapbooks are passed through several generations, you won’t be around to explain why you were herding goats in Nepal. Last, embellishments should never be so distracting or overdone that they take away from the photographs. 

If you follow these objectives, your personal style should be able to come out through scrapbooks to archive and display your photos for generations to come.

Scrapbooking Tips

  • Keep ticket stubs, flower petals from bouquets, wine corks, brochures and newspaper articles to embellish your photos
  • Write down dates, names and details in case you are backlogged with your scrapbooking
  • Always carry a camera or have one handy for the unexpected great shot
  • Take pictures of the good and bad − you are recording history which may not always be positive events in your life
  • Keep the handling of photographs to a minimum as the oil from fingerprints can deteriorate photographs after long periods of time