Trash problems in housing areas

Airman 1st Class Kerry Solan-Johnson
Kaiserslautern American

Three military members will be evicted from Ramstein housing in May for violation of housing trash rules.

Improper disposal of trash and recyclables continues to be a major problem in base housing, said KMC Housing Director Karen Largent, and building leaders are stepping up efforts to identify violators of the “three-strikes-and-you’re-out” trash policy.

“The military members repeatedly disregarded proper trash disposal after notification to stop,” said Ms. Largent. “The unsanitary situation posed a health hazard for others in their building.”

Housing is taking a proactive stance on the issue: building leaders, the highest ranking military member in the building, now have letters of warning to issue to residents within their buildings. When a resident receives three letters, their housing assignment may be terminated.

“We are bound by German laws … as good neighbors, we need to honor their rules,” said Ms. Largent. “Improper trash disposal breeds rats and flies … it’s a direct reflection of who we are and how we raise our families.”

The 435th Air Base Wing policy mandates that all waste be disposed of properly. This means that trash, recycle-bags and bulk items are not allowed on the ground next to dumpsters. All items must be placed inside the dumpster with the lid closed to prevent fly infestation, said Ms. Largent.

Bulk trash, such as electronics, strollers, mattresses, furniture, cardboard boxes, etc., must be taken to one of the three KMC recycling centers. Bulk trash must be put out early the morning of collections, not the night before, said Ms. Largent
The policy also prohibits personnel who live off-base from using the housing dumpsters.

Drivers who park illegally in front of dumpsters, blocking the trash collector, will be identified by their license plates and cited.

People PCSing will not be allowed to pass final inspection if their bulk items are disposed of improperly.

“The servicemember’s commander will address the disciplinary problem as deemed necessary,” said Ms. Largent.

“Be part of the team and keep our housing areas clean,” Ms. Largent added.