We want YOU for the Caring for People Forum

The Ramstein Integrated Delivery System team is now planning the 2012 Caring for People Forum.

To make it a success, the team is looking for military members, civilians, spouses, teens and retirees to join discussion groups organized to hear issues or concerns important to the KMC.

If you have an idea on a policy item that could be changed or a quality of life service that could be improved upon either on Ramstein or in the Air Force in general, this is the opportunity to share. The forum will consist of six different working groups: family support, deployment support, schools support, health and wellness, single Airman support and spouse communications.  Each group will meet simultaneously, so you may only participate in one working group.

Forum working groups will be facilitated by trained facilitators. Discussions will be open and you are encouraged to bring your ideas about improving Air Force quality of life programs and activities for all Airmen and their family members. 

Refreshments will be served, and each focus group will have a prize drawing upon completion of the session.

The Ramstein Caring for People Forum will be held from 9 a.m. to noon Thursday. All participants will meet at the Ramstein School Age Program, Bldg. 1003, for opening remarks at 9 a.m. 

Register for the Caring for People Forum by calling the Ramstein Airman & Family Readiness Center at 06371-47-5100 or 480-5100. Be prepared to select your primary and secondary preferences for which working group you would like to be a part of.  Registration is encouraged but participants are welcome to attend on the day of the forum.

(Courtesy of the 86th Force Support Squadron)