Applause for positive students,

by Heather Robinson
USAG Kaiserslautern Employee Assistance Coordinator

Have you ever heard the comment, “But there is nothing to do here,” as a reason for some choices that result in legal and social problems among our children? 

If you do hear this from your children, please look more closely and discuss this with them.
Kaiserslautern is known for being a community that has many creative programs available for our youth.

Many of these excellent programs are provided through different agencies and promote positive, healthy activities for families.  
One of these programs for youth is actually managed by them – Kaiserslautern High School’s Students Against Destructive Decisions chapter.

This program has been in existence in the United States since 1981. Kaiserslautern initiated its own SADD chapter in 2006 and has continued to motivate other
students to join since that time. 

The Adolescent Substance Abuse Program provides adult supervision for the SADD meetings, but the students are a self-run organization providing alcohol- and drug-free activities and education to their peers and community. 

They have been self sustaining with help from parents providing fundraisers and assistance to local donors like the Kaiserslautern Landstuhl Spouses Association.
In addition to sponsoring school dances and educating their peers at school about the dangers of substance abuse, this SADD chapter has taken on a huge challenge every year by providing a community-wide Red Ribbon Relay.

In 2008, more than 630 Soldiers, Airmen, retirees, civilians and their family members from 13 agencies participated in the Red Ribbon Relay.
Parents looking for positive programs for their children and ways to be involved with the school and community have an excellent opportunity as SADD continues to grow.

This group of motivated students not only educates their peers, but they also develop leadership and organizational skills among themselves and their peers.  
The Army Substance Abuse Program is very proud of this group of young leaders and will be nominating them for a prestigious Fulcrum Shield Award this spring.  
Others should encourage other young people to join SADD and other adults to volunteer in their efforts, which will support the health of youth and families in the community.

For more information about the SADD chapter, contact ASACS at KHS.
And if the “there’s-nothing-to-do-here” comment continues to ring in your ears, call 486-1710 or e-mail for some positive, healthy ideas and a list of resources available in the KMC.