Lt. Col. Michael “Sully” Sullivan; and Bernhard Sandmaier, Nokia Siemens networks manager, team up for a ribbon cutting to
commemorate the official completion of the Installation Information Infrastructure Modernization Program.
Baumholder stood up a new data network recently that increases the speed and efficiency of network users in Baumholder. The project upgraded and expanded the voice and data communication systems for the entire installation and brought the quartermaster and clinic areas onto the fiber network.
The Installation Information Infrastructure Modernization Program, or I3MP, upgraded Baumholder’s capacity and reliability of voice and data infrastructure.
“It was really a huge effort, upgrading and growing the voice and data network, but the increased capability, reliability and trustworthiness of the network made it more than worth it,” said Lorinda Risley, I3MP lead for the Network Enterprise Center.
Siemens Government Technologies Inc. was the contracted company responsible for upgrading Baumholder’s communication infrastructure. The company is a leading integrator of Siemens innovative technologies and solutions for mission-critical programs within the Departments of Defense, State and Homeland Security.
The $14 million project began with the first site survey in 2007. Actual construction started in late 2011, coming to completion in March.
The Network Enterprise Center migrated close to 300 network devices and 1,600 users to the new network within a 30 day period.
The installation is now set, from an information infrastructure standpoint for future customers and growth.
“With technology always improving, something had to be put in place that will allow all forms of communication flow and allow for future technologies to be rapidly incorporated into the network,” Risley said. “This fiber backbone supports high speed internet data, voice-over-Internet-protocol, video teleconferencing, security devices, and utility monitoring devices over long distances.
“The amount of cooperation and teamwork on this project by all members of the community has been phenomenal,” Risley continued. “It was a pleasure working with such wonderful professionals and people that truly cared what was left behind for the community when the project was completed. I’m proud of what has been accomplished and of the team that has worked so hard. We are now ready to expand where needed and ensure our warfighters can train as they fight.”