BUS SAFETY “do’s” and “don’ts”

Meeting children at the bus stop:
DO:Wait on the same side of the street as the bus stop.
DO NOT: Wait in a parked car.
Wait in a building.
Allow your child to come to you.
DO go to your child at the bus stop.
Bottom line: When you meet your child at the bus stop, take charge of the situation. You are the adult. Only you can reduce the risk and control the danger.

Getting on and off the bus:
Be on time – Walk, do not run to the bus stop.
When waiting for the bus take at least three steps away from the curb. Take your seat and stay in it while the bus is moving.
When getting off the bus take three steps away from the curb and wait for the bus to leave BEFORE crossing the street.
Never cross the street in front or behind the bus.

Danger zones:
Please educate your child on the danger zones as shown on the picture above. We ask you and your child to take extra precautions when near a school bus. Teach them to NEVER cross in front or behind a bus. Please remember that traffic in Europe does not stop for loading and unloading of school buses.

Department of Defense Education Activity behavior standards for school bus students: On or around buses, students must conduct themselves in accordance with these school bus rules.

The 10 School Bus Rules
1. Obey the driver or adult.
2. Enter and exit the bus safely and always show your bus pass.
3. Stay properly seated and use seatbelts when available.
4. Keep your hands, feet, and other body parts to yourself.
5. Do not throw things.
6. Put nothing out of the window.
7. Remain quiet and do not disturb the driver or others.
8. No profanity, indecency, smoking, prohibited items, or vandalism.
9. Do not eat, drink, or chew gum.
10. Be responsible, be safe.