Cell phone fines in Europe

Using a cell phone in vehicles without a hands-free device is prohibited in 30 European countries. Those who still do it have to expect high fines. The German automobile club, ADAC, has made a list of current fines.

Violations on base might result in getting  points on the driver’s USAREUR license.
Motorists in Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal and Hungary have to pay the highest fines – from €100 to €160.

***image1***In Germany, the fine hasn’t been raised for the last two years. It’s €40. In Great Britain, the fine has been doubled to €75. In Greece, the fine will be doubled, if it won’t get paid within 10 days.

In Sweden and Serbia, making calls on a cell phone in vehicles is not prohibited yet. But motorists will get fined if they are involved in an accident, jeopardize others or drive unassertively. For this reason, ADAC recommends never making phone calls in the car.