Commander’s Action Line

QI walk through a cloud of cigarette smoke every time I visit the Vogelweh Power Zone and Ramstein Bowling Center.
Would it be possible to establish a smoke-free zone at these entrance ways?

AThanks for bringing this issue to our attention. We have relocated the location of the smoking area at the Ramstein Bowling Center to 50 feet away from the entrance.
We also looked into the smoking area at the Vogelweh Power Zone.
There is a cigarette reciprocal at the entrance to the store for people to throw out their cigarette butts, not to attract smokers.

The manager was made aware of the issue and will be installing signs to let customers know that smoking is not allowed in that area.   

The Commander’s Action Line gives KMC members a direct link to wing leadership.

The action line is a way for KMC members to ask a question or express a concern on the policies and procedures of the base, as well as discuss safety and security issues.

To submit an action line, e-mail with “Action Line” as the subject.