Fanfare Corps turns 50

by Petra Lessoing

86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The Queidersbach “Fanfarenzug Sickinger Landsknechte Queidersbach e.V.,” the fanfare corps, will celebrate its 50th anniversary today through Sunday.

Under the auspices of Kaiserslautern’s county commissioner Paul Junker, the fest will feature entertaining shows, parades and concerts.

“Our fest will start with a show night starting at 7:30 p.m. today in Queidersbach’s community hall (Mehrzweckhalle),” said Tamara Schäfer, the club’s recording secretary. “German singer Edith Prock will entertain the audience as well as the party band Fetzentaler presenting a big repertoire including rock, pop, evergreens and international songs from the last decades.”

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets cost €5.

On Saturday, the fanfare corps will offer a night of music and entertainment starting at 6 p.m. when 13 music and fanfare bands will come together for a friendship concert. Admission is free.

Sunday festivities will begin with a parade at 1:30 p.m. The Federation of Southwest Palatinate Fanfare Corps will come together, featuring 36 bands consisting of about 900 musicians total.

“We know that our American neighbors are very interested in this kind of antiquated spectacle,” Mrs. Schäfer said. “They will be able to see all bands dressed in traditional costumes walking through our village, from the community hall to the village square.”

After the fest parade, all bands will perform together at 2:30 p.m. in the village square.

“Such a performance by so many different fanfare corps is unique in Germany,” Mrs. Schäfer said.

At 3:30 p.m., all fanfare groups with their flags will walk back to the community hall in another parade.