GACO Corner: New Traffic Sign in France

Photo by Salvador Aznar/

Welcome back to the second series of driving in Germany. This week we’ll focus on our neighbors in France and their new traffic sign.

We’re well aware we are located in Germany but since Europe is so close-knit and country borders can be crossed almost without noticing, we see it as our duty to inform you of changes that might be relevant to all of us.

Our neighboring country France has implemented a new traffic sign that reserves certain lanes for certain types of vehicles.

The sign is a white diamond outline on blue ground. There will be additional signs and symbols that specify what type of vehicles can use this lane: cars with two or more passengers, eCars, taxis and/or busses.

Drivers who violate this traffic sign have to expect fines of up to 135 euros. Special radar systems can monitor the number of passengers in a car.

These signs are meant to reduce the environmental impact of cars by encouraging drivers to carpool or use eCars.

Next week, we’ll discuss what to consider on Germany’s roads when driving in fall.