GACO Corner: Traffic Circles

Welcome to our informational series on driving in Germany. Last week we discussed idling of engines. This week our driving topic is when and correctly driving in a traffic circle.

The same rules for traffic circles apply in Germany and the U.S. We were asked from multiple people to share basic behavioral rules in local traffic circles as there seem to be many misunderstandings (I can think of at least two traffic circles in the area that are complicated).

The basic rules are:

  • When wanting to enter a traffic circle, yield to vehicles already in the traffic circle.
  • Cars in the traffic circle have the right of way.
  • Use a turn signal when exiting the traffic circle.
  • The direction of travel is right.
  • Use caution when entering, driving in and exiting a traffic circle.
  • When there are traffic lights in the traffic circle, those dictate the rules.

Next week, we’ll discuss bicycling in Germany.