German Polizei Corner

No wide vehicles in construction area on A6
Commuters on autobahn A6 direction Mannheim who drive through the bridge construction site must keep in mind that when driving in the left lane, their vehicles can’t be wider than 2 meters (78.78 inches), including the side mirrors.

Then, toward the end of the zone, it can be 2.20 meters (86.61 inches) wide.

German traffic sign 264 states that no vehicles over 2 meters wide should be driving in that particular lane.
The warning sign is put up at the beginning of the construction area. Motorists driving with a wider vehicle can be fined €20.

If driving an oversized vehicle in this lane causes an accident, according to German law, motorists can be held at fault. Polizei noted that mainly trucks, SUVs and mini vans are the ones endangering others when passing in the left lane.