In the Pacific

1st Lt. Tony Wickman
Alaskan Command
Public Affairs

1. PACAF base in Japan
6. PACAF base in Korea
10. Mil. operation performed since 9/11
11. Continent within PACAF AOR
13. Internet provider, in short
15. Oklahoma town
16. Type of arrest?
18. USA opponent in Civil War
20. ALS, ABC, NCOA, SOS, etc.
21. Glows
23. Plane flown by 3 WG at 28 DOWN
26. PACAF base in Guam
29. Entertainment presented between the acts of a show
31. 1939 Oscar winner Over the Rainbow composer
33. Period
35. Paramedic, in brief
36. Friend
38. Dispensable
42. Bullring cheer
43. Colorless liquid used in synthetic rubber
45. Lawn
46. John Wayne movie
48. Actress Moore
50. Simpson trial judge
51. USA foe 1954-1975
54. PACAF base in Japan
56. 102 to Caesar
57. Football stat
59. Competent
61. Ring results
62. Andy’s boy in Mayberry
63. Leg bone
65. Again
66. Airport abbrev.
67. Decay
68. A Gershwin
69. PACAF station in Hawaii

1. Flightless bird
2. Country within PACAF AOR
3. Body of water
4. Mil. organization in WWII
5. Quickly!
6. PACAF base in Japan
7. Fed. organization concerned with arts
8. Mother-of-pearl
9. Sigh of woe
12. Cook expert who wrote The Joy of Cooking
14. PACAF base in Korea
17. Punctuation mark
19. Everything
22. Branch of Department of Defense
23. Paradise
24. Absent
25. PACAF base in Alaska
27. Rapping doctor?
28. PACAF base in Alaska
30. Cookie
32. AFS in Alaska
34. Cleopatra killer
36. Chief political committee of a Communist party
37. Pub order
39. Sentiment
40. Effectuated
41. ___ Lanka
44. ___! The Cat cartoon
46. PACAF base in Hawaii
47. Thumps or clashes
49. Utah town
52. Nickname of plane flown by 35th FW at 1 ACROSS
53. Thomas accuser Hill
55. Permit
58. Afternoon drink to Tony Blair?
60. Dines
64. Sick