KES students get involved

by Brianne Daniel
KES student

Editor’s Note: For several weeks, students at Kaiserslautern Elementary School wrote letters and collected items for Project Rudolph. The following is an article written by a fifth-grader about the event.

For Project Rudolph, students wrote 200 letters, donated treats and made 185 bags for servicemembers (Navy, Marines, Army and Air Force) that are deployed.

Project Rudolph is kind of like a contest among classes, but also helps servicemembers that are deployed by sending them letters (handwritten), treats (candy), and making them bags with Christmas designs or pictures.

First place class won a soda float party and second place won a popcorn party. Mr. Grogg’s class won a popcorn party for writing 110 letters and donating 10 bags of candy.

Project Rudolph contributions were made by all the schools in the KMC. The more letters and bags we make and the more candy we get, the more we get to give to the servicemembers!