Heartlink helps spouses
***image1***The military culture is very unique and can be complex. In one sentence, we can easily use half a dozen acronyms, leaving those listening to the conversation confused and intimidated.
We understand that the military culture can sometimes be overwhelming for newcomers. The Air Force and Army have programs to offer all civilian spouses in the KMC.
The Air Force’s Airman & Family Readiness Center offers the Heart Link Spouse Orientation quarterly to help civilian spouses who have been married to an active duty military member for five years of less.
The program, designed for groups of 25, was created to help spouses understand their critical roles as members of the Air Force team and how they can help their families be physically, emotionally and spiritually healthier. It also familiarizes spouses with Air Force customs, traditions, protocol, resources and services.
The Army Community Service offers the Army Family Team Building class to spouses in three different levels; for spouses who have been in the military for one to three years, four to 10 years and more than 10 years. The course is open to all branches of service as the instructors will tailor information to the audience.
The Army’s program, which was started in 1995, is run by volunteer spouses. The course is designed to empower spouses and educate them on the military way of life.
Both courses do an outstanding job creating a program that is fun, interactive and full of useful information. At the same time, the program is conducted in a no-pressure atmosphere.
To sign up for the Aug. 24 Heart Link class from 5 to 9:30 p.m., contact the Ramstein Airman and Family Readiness Center at 480-5100 or 06371-47-5100. Childcare is available, but must be arranged in advance with the center. To sign up for the Pulaski Barracks Army Family Team Building courses, contact Angela Bellamy at 489-6638 or 0631-536-6638.
Heartlink helps spouses
***image1***The military culture is very unique and can be complex. In one sentence, we can easily use half a dozen acronyms, leaving those listening to the conversation confused and intimidated.
We understand that the military culture can sometimes be overwhelming for newcomers. The Air Force and Army have programs to offer all civilian spouses in the KMC.
The Air Force’s Airman & Family Readiness Center offers the Heart Link Spouse Orientation quarterly to help civilian spouses who have been married to an active duty military member for five years of less.
The program, designed for groups of 25, was created to help spouses understand their critical roles as members of the Air Force team and how they can help their families be physically, emotionally and spiritually healthier. It also familiarizes spouses with Air Force customs, traditions, protocol, resources and services.
The Army Community Service offers the Army Family Team Building class to spouses in three different levels; for spouses who have been in the military for one to three years, four to 10 years and more than 10 years. The course is open to all branches of service as the instructors will tailor information to the audience.
The Army’s program, which was started in 1995, is run by volunteer spouses. The course is designed to empower spouses and educate them on the military way of life.
Both courses do an outstanding job creating a program that is fun, interactive and full of useful information. At the same time, the program is conducted in a no-pressure atmosphere.
To sign up for the Aug. 24 Heart Link class from 5 to 9:30 p.m., contact the Ramstein Airman and Family Readiness Center at 480-5100 or 06371-47-5100. Childcare is available, but must be arranged in advance with the center. To sign up for the Pulaski Barracks Army Family Team Building courses, contact Angela Bellamy at 489-6638 or 0631-536-6638.