– KMC Voter’s Corner – Finding ways to make your vote count!

***image1***The Air Force Voting Assistance Program in the KMC is up and running. Unit Voting Assistance Officers at all levels and trained voting counselors are contacting military and civilian employees in every KMC Air Force organization. People can leave a message for me, Maj. Bill Kennedy, the Installation Voting Assistance Officer, or Maj. Brad Hamant at 480-VOTE to find out about your representative or to ask a question about the program. Check this spot and the Airmen Votes Web site at http://www.
afpc.randolph.af.mil/AirmenVotes weekly for voting questions and answers.

Q: How can I be sure my vote will be counted?
A: It’s well documented that four years ago, some absentee ballots mailed from military postal facilities didn’t get counted. State laws vary, but many will count ballots that arrive after Election Day if they were mailed on or before Election Day, but that works only if there’s a legible postmark on the envelope. This year, military mail clerks are hand-canceling every absentee ballot and manually checking for legibility. Ballots going to and from downrange locations are being handled separately to ensure timely delivery in both directions. You can do your part by marking and returning your ballot as soon as you receive it, but you can rest assured that our postal professionals are doing theirs!