Know who to call for help

Giving first-class care to a victim of sexual assault anywhere in the world lies at the heart of the Department of Defense Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program.

Each installation or unit is assigned Sexual Assault Response Coordinators and Victim Advocates that respond to assaults, ensuring the appropriate level of care is provided to each victim. Healthcare providers, chaplains, law enforcement, criminal investigators and judge advocates also play significant roles in response.

SARCs manage each unit’s or installation’s sexual assault prevention and response program. SARCs serve as the single point of contact to coordinate victim care and track the services provided to the victim in each reported assault. While the SARC primarily provides management and oversight of victim services, the Victim Advocates provide 24/7 direct assistance to victims seeking help.

VAs help victims with navigating the military’s response network. VAs are not counselors, therapists or investigators. However, they are people who can furnish accurate and comprehensive information on available options and resources. VAs educate the victim so he or she can make informed decisions about their care and involvement in the investigative process.

***image1***Healthcare providers play an important role in treating sexual assault victims, both physically and psychologically. Physicians, physician assistants and nurses all contribute to treating injuries, managing risk for sexually transmitted infections and sometimes gathering evidence during a Sexual Assault Forensic Examination.

Psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers and other professionals that address mental health also play a part in victim care. Both male and female victims of sexual assault are at increased risk for developing serious psychological problems.

Unfortunately, many victims try to ignore their symptoms or cope by using increased amounts of alcohol. In truth, most psychological problems can be avoided or minimized with early treatment from a trained provider. When a restricted report is chosen, a victim can discuss his or her assault with a provider without command being notified. 

Chaplains provide spiritual support to victims of sexual assault and offer complete confidentiality when providing spiritual counseling. That means an active duty member can discuss their situation with a chaplain and have no fear that what they say will be reported to anyone. Chaplains work closely with SARCs and VAs to ensure that victims get the information and services they need. 

Law enforcement, criminal investigators and judge advocates also support victims by ensuring accountability of perpetrators. Prevention efforts count for very little if perpetrators are not held accountable for their behavior. When a victim makes an unrestricted report, these professionals take statements from the victim and witnesses, document the crime scene and send the evidence to the crime lab for evaluation. The DOD is committed to assisting victims and holding offenders accountable.

Each of the military services have specially trained professionals waiting to assist. If you would like more information about services for sexual assault victims, contact your KMC SARCs at: Air Force 480-SARC (7272) and Army 493-4148.

(Courtesy of KMC Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program)