Motorists asked to check for fod when crossing the flight line

***image1***Motorists who routinely cross the taxiway on Mitchell Avenue on the south side of Ramstein must stop at the new “Check for FOD” point prior to crossing the airfield at taxiway Delta.

FOD is defined as anything that may cause “foreign object damage” to aircraft using the taxiway.

All vehicle operators are required to conduct a foreign object inspection to ensure their vehicle tires and equipment are free of stones, trash or loose objects that could cause FOD.

Per Ramstein Air Base Instruction 13-201, flight line driving: “All vehicles that routinely operate on the flight line will be equipped with a FOD can and FOD pickers. FOD pickers are small metal picks shaped like a pen used to remove rocks from between tire treads.”  Screwdrivers can also be used. During the hours of darkness, a flashlight is required to conduct this check. All foreign objects found will be placed in the vehicle and disposed of once off the airfield.
Vigilance in this matter may save damage to aircraft that can cost the military thousands of dollars.

(Courtesy of the 86th Operational Support Squadron)