Only Firls Program promotes healthy lifestyles

Christine June
415th Base Support Battalion

***image1***Landstuhl’s Youth Sports’ Girls Only Fitness promotes sports, fitness and training, equality of life and healthy life styles for girls.

“We are not really going by who is winning and who is not,” said Eva K. Wolske, LYS recreation aide. “It’s about teaching them how to aim and how the ball bounces, and having fun.”

Girls who have completed sixth to 12th grade have fun from 4 to 5 p.m. Mondays at the Landstuhl Middle School and Teen Center, Bldg. 3819, Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.

“It’s fun. We do a lot of activities,” said Chanel E. Elam, 14, ninth-grader from Ramstein American High School. “And, if you don’t have friends, you will be accepted here right away.”

The girls not only play traditional sports such as volleyball, basketball, softball and badminton, but they also play games from the Girls and Boys Club of America such as Musical Ball and Match Run.

Musical Ball is when the ball is thrown around until the music stops and the one left holding the ball is out. Match Run is when team members run down a basketball court and have about two seconds to pick two cards in a pile of scattered cards and then, run back. If it is a match, the team scores a point.

“I go on the Girls and Boys Clubs of America’s Web site and get a lot of sports activities from them,” said Ms. Wolske, who has been teaching Girls Only Fitness since May. “There’s a lot of different activities that are just awesome and the girls are like, ‘I’ve never played that before, that’s pretty cool.’”

Ms. Wolske said the girls will be swimming and possibly, doing dance aerobics during this school year.

“It doesn’t matter how good you are,” said Ms. Wolske. “We’re playing for fun, and if you miss the ball, there will always be another chance to hit it.”

Pre-registration is required for Girls Only Fitness at the 415th Base Support Battalion’s Child Youth Services Central Enrollment, located in Bldg. 2898, Pulaski Barracks.

For more information, call CLEOS at 489-6142 or 0631-536-6142 or call Landstuhl Youth Sports at 486-8375 or 06371-86-8375.