Options available for reporting domestic abuse

by Ramstein Family Advocacy

Photo by Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.com

Domestic abuse does not discriminate. People of all ages, race, gender, socioeconomic status and rank experience physical, emotional and sexual abuse by their intimate partners. Being in an abusive relationship can leave people feeling alone and afraid. The Department of Defense has established reporting options to help support victims of domestic abuse. These options are restricted and unrestricted reporting.

Restricted reporting allows an individual the option to disclose information regarding the abuse to a victim advocate, a Family Advocacy staff member or any military health care provider, without Command or law enforcement involvement. Restricted reporting allows individuals time to receive support and information needed to make an informed decision.

Services available under restricted reporting:

No law enforcement notification

No command involvement

Access to medical care and counseling

Victim advocacy services

The option to change your restricted report to unrestricted at any time

The restricted reporting option is available to individuals 18 and over for matters pertaining to domestic abuse only. Any incidents involving children will not remain restricted to ensure safety of the children involved. Additionally, restricted reports may not remain restricted if the treatment provider assess the individual is at immanent risk.

Unrestricted reporting provides command and law enforcement information relevant to the situation. This process allows an individual to use chain of command, law enforcement and Family Advocacy for intervention services.

Services available with an unrestricted report:

Law enforcement notification

Command notification

Support from command – availability to obtain a no contact order

Access to medical care and counseling

Victim advocacy services

If you are in an abusive relationship and would like to make a restricted report, contact Family Advocacy at 06371-46-2370 or 479-2370.