Remember the Good Samaritan in 2005 CFC

Col. Jack Briggs
USAFE director of safety

“No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he’d only had good intentions – he had money, too.”

This famous saying by Margaret Thatcher is prophetic during our current
Combined Federal Campaign season. Many of us live comfortable lives
with few if any basic needs going unmet. All of us, though, at one time
or another need others to help us through life. The Samaritan saw
someone from a different culture, class and religion that needed help
and acted because it was the right thing to do. Matching his good
intentions was an equally important ability to provide some resources.
He administered first aid to the injured man, then took him to shelter
and paid the innkeeper to look after his new friend until he returned.

The goal of CFC is 100 percent informed contact. Key workers contact
individuals and provide the information and materials necessary to
understand and take advantage of the opportunity to give. If you are
eligible to contribute, you have probably already been contacted. Many
of you already chose to take the second step and contribute. Thank you.
Some of you were contacted and intend to contribute but daily tasks and
priorities arise and your initial good intentions have not come to
pass. As the Samaritan walked up to the injured man, his good
intentions might have compelled him to think about helping but being
busy he might have decided to “do it later.” He chose not to. He acted
at that moment, but he didn’t stop there. He moved the man to a safe
place and provided resources to care for him. In CFC, there are similar
opportunities to act in the moment, but you have to decide you will,
and act.

The strength of CFC is how easy it is for people to contribute and how
lasting the effects will be and some of the positive effect will be on
you. Balance is a major part of a good life. We have family, work, play
and other people all impacting our day. If we keep those inputs in
balance, we stand a good chance of living well. Part of that balance is
recognizing the needs of others around us. When we look beyond
ourselves and take a participatory role in the lives of others, several
interesting things happen: our own self esteem improves; we recognize
that we are not alone because we are integrated in the world around us;
we begin to realize that when we support the dignity of one, we add to
the dignity of all. One life, one family, one community at a time we
lift each other. What could be more noble? CFC is an easy and effective
way to help bring balance – the balance the Samaritan showed so many
years ago.