Staying safe online in workplace

by 86th Communications Squadron
Wing Cybersecurity Office

When you are on the job – whether it’s at a corporate office, local restaurant, healthcare provider, academic institution, or government agency ‒ your organization’s online safety and security are a responsibility we all share, and as the lines between our work and daily lives become increasingly blurred, it is more important than ever to be certain that smart cybersecurity carries over between the two.

Social Media is a great tool to stay in contact with family and friends. However, you must practice not only good privacy for your own good but also from an operational security perspective.

In January , the San Francisco-based company Strava updated its global heat map of user activity as recorded by various wearable devices, leading to the disclosure of previously non-public information.

While you’re on-the-job, here are some additional tips for protecting yourself and your organization:

  1. Protect your Common Access Card (CAC) – Not only is this your ID Card for accessing base resources, this is required for you to access the Air Force Network.
  2. Do not connect removable devices to your work computer – This is a violation of Air Force policy and will result in your loss of access to the network while the circumstances are investigated.
  3. Report any cybersecurity incident – Report all computer or network issues to your unit cybersecurity liaison.
  4. Avoid oversharing online – While it may be very exciting to share what you do at work with others, remember your organization’s security standards and be careful what you say, especially in public settings. You never know who may be overhearing your conversations. Also, put away your work identification or badge when out in public and when using public transportation.

5. When in doubt, contact your unit CSL or the 86th Communications Squadron Wing Cybersecurity Office at 480-3438 or 06371-47-3438.