Youth program staffer acts fast, saves a life

On the rainy day of June 5, Edward Wilson, an employee of the 435th Services Squadron’s Vogelweh Youth Sports Program, witnessed a car accident while walking his dog near his home in Queidersbach.

The 45-year-old German man who was in the accident was unresponsive with no pulse. He later found out he had suffered an immediate heart attack, causing the accident.

***image1***Mr. Wilson took control of the situation. He had another person call the emergency number 112, turned the car motor off and removed the victim from the vehicle. Mr. Wilson then performed CPR, using a plastic bag as a makeshift mouth shield, for 10 minutes in the pouring rain until the emergency medical team arrived.

Since the accident, the victim has undergone quadruple bypass surgery and recovered in the Kaiserslautern hospital. Mr. Wilson was visited by the victim’s sister at his home where she gave thanks from the family and also an update on her brother’s condition.

Thomas Müller, the individual rescued, is now in a rehabilitation center for the next few weeks to regain his strength, mobility and senses. Mr. Müller is anxious to meet with Mr. Wilson personally to express his thanks and gratitude.  
Mr. Wilson was named the Vogelweh Youth Program Staffer for June.

(Courtesy of Vogelweh Youth Programs)