Education news

Tuition assistance
Air Force members applying for tuition assistance will have to submit to the Education Center a degree plan that will be filed in their electronic education record prior to submitting their first tuition assistance application. Prior to approval of tuition assistance applications, Education Center counselors will verify that each course is applicable to the degree plan.  Should the course not be listed on the degree plan, members will have to request approval from their program
adviser allowing them to take such course. Tuition assistance applications will be deferred back to the member if the information above is not followed.

Congrats graduates
Congratulations Community College of the Air Force class of October 2009 graduates. Although CCAF has two graduating classes per year, Ramstein holds one combined fall/spring graduation ceremony each spring. This year’s graduation is scheduled for May 7, 2010.  Graduates may pick up their diplomas after the ceremony. Of course, there are exceptions for those graduates who will be separating, retiring or deployed before or during May. Students scheduled to PCS before spring graduation have two options: they may request diplomas presented at a Commander’s Call or during a monthly awards ceremony or the diploma can be sent to the gaining base for presentation at an appropriate ceremony, as required by CCAF directives. Graduates scheduled to separate or retire should consider the first option; diploma’s may be picked up by the Airman’s unit first sergeant for presentation. For questions, call the Education Center at 480-2032.

Education Center renovations
The Education Center is currently under renovation to install new carpet. Hours may vary. Customers should call the school, university or Education Center for specific hours or appointments prior to walking in for assistance. For more information, call 480-2032.

UMUC Europe news
UMUC Europe offers 1 s.h. weekend seminar for college credit. New seminar topics include films of Alfred Hitchcock, HTML, ethics in mental health and psychological treatment, spreadsheets and effective business presentations. For more information, call the Ramstein UMUC Office at 480-5611 or 06371-47-5611.

Teen apprenticeship program
Child Youth and School Services and the HIRED! Program are now accepting applications for Term 2 apprenticeships. This program offers 15- to 18-year-olds positions in 12-week terms and includes exploratory work experience in a selected career path aligned with specific collegiate or vocational courses of study. All HIRED! apprentices must be registered with CYSS. For more information, call 486-8658 or 06371-86-8658.