Sexual assault: fact vs. fiction

Courtesy of the Ramstein SARC office

Sexual Assault Awareness Month reinforces the Department of Defense’s goal to eliminate sexual assault within the Armed Forces. As the DOD strives toward achieving maximum safety and well-being for all its members, here are some commonly held beliefs regarding sexual assault, coupled with facts to challenge them.

FICTION:  Sexual assaults rarely occur.
FACT:  On average, 526 Americans per day reported being sexually assaulted in 2005.
• Calculation based on data from the Department of Justice’s National Crime Victimization Survey, 2006

FICTION: Assailants rarely know their victims.
FACT: More than 70 percent of victims know their attacker.
• Department of Justice’s National Crime Victimization Survey, 2006

If you have questions or need assistance, contact Capt. Patricia Shelly or Capt. Avis Resch, KMC Air Force SARCs, at 480-7272 or 06371-47-7272.